Most people accept that before embarking on any career they will need adequate training first. So why do so many beauty therapists think they are different?
Training is essential if you not only want to be a beauty therapist, but also if you want to be a great one.
Many therapists and salon owners think that learning on the job is sufficient, but this will always leave gaping holes in your knowledge. The salon owner is not a trained teacher and so may not be able to make their point or impart their understanding clearly enough. There will be many things that are not taught until they come up, but what if that crucial contra-indication doesn’t come up until the salon owner has a day off?
Whilst many will think they can watch their own nail technician apply a few sets of gel nails and then they will be able to do it themselves, many will find they are in for a shock when they encounter their first nail biter.
Of course, any old training course is not the way to go either. Don’t let your training choices be decided by price or convenience. You must ensure that your training course covers everything you need and is delivered to a high standard. Whether this is a private short course or a national qualification, you must find the training that works for you. Without it, you will not be insured or up to scratch on any treatments, potentially making you an unseen danger to the public.